Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

I want to wish everyone a very happy holiday season!!  We are not decorating the house this year.  We haven't done it in a couple years.  We're very busy with concerts and work and gatherings at everyone else's houses, so we don't feel a need to do much with the house. 
So I decided to fulfill my need to decorate by sprucing up the blog and the shop a little with some Christmas decorations!  I don't do graphics frequently enough to remember all those little tricks, like how to do "layers" in a paint program so I make great use of Google.  I can always find tutorials and instructions, no matter what I want to do. 
So I got the poinsettias up on the banner here.  I'm trying to put some holly and ivy on my shop avatar, but I'm still battling that little button.  Then I will move onto my Etsy shop and see if I can put up some red ribbons or a wreath there! 
I love this online decorating!  It doesn't collect dust and when I take it down I won't have to wrestle boxes into the attic!


  1. Its true that online decorations don't collect dust but I get frustrated with buttons...I know I should spend some time with a good tutorial and just relax. Its just that I love making things with my hands and the feel of the materials...

  2. Ooh, I love making things with my hands too! I just don't enjoy, as much as I used to, getting the house all changed around to make room for a tree and all those decorations, especially when we so rarely have people here. And I confess, I love to push buttons!! LOL
