Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mystery Guest!

This morning I noticed something, or should I say someONE sitting atop the front door in my house. At first I thought it was a mouse.  But it was a little bigger than a mouse....Is it a baby rat?  I doesn't really look like a rat either.  What is this?!?

I got my cat Wolfie, while I still thought it was a mouse, and showed her the animal.  When the little guy caught site of Wolfie, he leaped like a kangaroo, 6 feet across the living room and disappeared!!!  Wolfie looked for him for awhile and then gave up.  Oh dear me!!


  1. LOL Vicki! That much I know!! :D

  2. Since you are in illinois and kanagaroo rats doen't live there, what you had looks like a flying squirrel.

  3. could it be a neighbors pet? it's clean and calico, not many wild animals look like that...they're usually mousy grey/brown..

    does it look like them?

    peromyscus? deer mouse? cute lil' fella.

  5. Hey susarto I think you may have found it!! It looks the most like the deer mouse! I haven't seen him again - he must still be in the house. *sigh*

  6. Cousin Brad?? Is that you?? Wow! How are you? I think this is probably a deer mouse!
    Wow, how cool to see you here!!
